Friday, March 30, 2012

A New Beginning....until tomorrow when I want something.

There is something freeing and invigorating to make the decision to start anew. Your adrenaline starts pumping, the ideas are flowing, and you are going to finally do it.... Span to 5 hours later when something comes up and more than likely you have already retreated back to whatever it was you were trying to stay away from. Because those things are comfortable. Like the T-shirt I have from when I was 14 that is barely hanging together and I'm pretty sure might fall apart at any given moment. So begins the story of my life. I like comfort. Old sweatshirts, t-shirts, jeans, sports bras, same restaurants, same jobs, same negative habits...the list could go on for a while. This fact is a new something that I've learned about myself. When this transition into BORING took place I have no idea, but as I grow older, the less motivation I have to doll myself up and put myself out there for the world to ogle. It's really exhausting. Something else that has grown comforting to me is buying whatever I want whenever I want it (or have the money for it). I'm a spender. I like to buy things. One might say I like to buy my love. If that's the case, I most certainly love myself...A LOT. The best thing is that I've found a partner in crime in my spending frenzy. My fiance might be worse than I am when it comes to spending because he is a master at justifying why he needs something. It is truly an art form. We've come to a point in our very short (2 year) relationship where we now have to start making some pretty big choices. We also have a wedding to pay for. And medical bills. And, and, and...just like everyone else in 'Merica, we have debt. And it just keeps growing. Mainly because we are impulsive and impatient. I mean it's not like we can actually live without an iPhone. I mean come on, humans couldn't possibly survive without these feats of technology....oh right, we all did, right along with our ancestors. For thousands upon thousands of years. Didn't Moses show off the ten commandments with an iPad? Who hasn't heard that story? So after several long winded rants and discussions, the Bear and I (this is code for, I told him he has to listen to me) have concluded that we need to put a halt on our debit cards. It's time for some ingenious ideas of being thrifty. Making our own household cleaners-check. Shopping by the grocery ads-check. Researching new insurance-check. Buying a half of a cow and some chickens from a local farmer-double check (it will save us money in the long run, and it will be so much better for our health- I did extensive research) Buying a brand new TV for our new basement-----just kidding. I really feel like I need some sort of mantra for day to day to help me control my impulses....oooh, how about "I don't want to be homeless." Ah...lovely. Let it begin! Cheers!

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